The word “hero” is a noun with the definition: “A person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.”
My personal narrative is very much like anyone elses. No matter where I have been or lived in my life, certain things seem consistant everywhere. People get together, eat food and go to work. We have relationships of different types, some beneficial and some not. We all share the same experiences but our individual taste will help define the flavor of our life experiences. One of these experiences that we will all have to face and experience is sickness and death.
A lot has been written about this from a philosophical and religious perspective and I have “my take” on the subject, but I think when people think about someone they love getting sick and dying if they have not previously experienced this inevetability, they tend to shy away from it. It’s not pleasant or comforting. We want to believe life will last forever, and that we will feel good, but life is a bit more abrupt sometimes. Usually at the time you least expect it.
My Daughter is going to be 17 this year. The Covid lockdown has been a stiff challenge for both teachers and students. She is like most teenagers, she can be moody and sometimes rebellious. She loves art and music, and has her own unique modern style. Sometimes I think she does things because she knows it will drive her Father crazy! I think she is turning into a good adult.
One thing that is different about her that I did not expect is that she is terrificlly heroic. Here is why I think this
About a month ago, her Grandmother who is elderly, became suddenly seriously ill and had to be hospitallized twice. It was touch and go for about a week until a series of diagnoses finally stabilized her health. After her ordeal in the hospital(s) she was so weak that she couldn’t take care of herself, or even walk. I could go on to describe the situation in detail, but I feel that my reader’s imaginations can fill in the blanks. Grandmother needed someone to care for her night and day.
I have a pretty large family, and some have helped and some have not. My Wife is the primary (Saint?) person who administers to all her Mom’s needs but after her there is no one in my Family who has sacrificed more and given more than my Daughter. For three weeks she was by Grandma’s side continuously, helping her all night. Throughout long nights being called for every 15 or 20 minutes, my Daughter was there to help without any thought for herself. She endured sleepless nights for days, briefly dozing on a lumpy couch and eating cold takeout for breakfast before continuing her care through the day.
She never complained. She never said “I don’t feel like it.” She never questioned that she had a choice and the only thing that she was worried about was if her Dad would get mad if her grades suffered because she was skipping a few online classes. Subesequently during all this, she found time to do homework.
I was so impressed I just had to tell the world. My Daughter is a hero, and I am very proud of her.