We’re in the pipe, 5 x 5.Systems locked and at 94% efficiency.Double Plus Good. Seventy-Nine After a bitter quarrel, some resentment must remain.What can one “Orbital Fixes”
Author: Superadmin
I launched a new website for the USDA.It took almost 2 years to finish it.Time to chillax, and savor the flavor of success.The design is “Launch!”
I love coffee. I prefer the dark roasts, but I also like trying different roasts and blends.I’m guilty of Starbucks in the first degree.Fill me “Coffee”
It was once said that a battle is won before the first sword is drawn.The art of strategy is complex and hard to master.The ancient “Swing.”
Best Interest
I have often thought about what the term “In my best interest”, or “In your best interest”.I struggle with structures like that because it’s a “Best Interest”
TechnoratiNoun.Etymology: Blend of technology + literatiDefinition: Those who are skilled at using, or knowledgeable about, technology. Get your matrix on, and have a great virtual “Technorati”
Dread Pirate Roberts
This will not end well. What’s he going to do? Consulting?I bet he ends up working for the government.Or big pharma… –“Ross Ulbricht, pardoned by “Dread Pirate Roberts”
A good man takes care of his family. He should be like a shepherd with his care, and do what is right for his flock. “Family”
Ed vs. Gov
This morning while I was enjoying my coffee it struck me that the key difference between these two sectors is essentially music. When I hold “Ed vs. Gov”
Ready? Go!
It’s hump day. We got this. Thirty-Five All men will come to him who keeps to the one,For there lie rest and happiness and peace. “Ready? Go!”