TechnoratiNoun.Etymology: Blend of technology + literatiDefinition: Those who are skilled at using, or knowledgeable about, technology. Get your matrix on, and have a great virtual “Technorati”
Category: Technology
I have been doing this for awhile… Does it show?
Dread Pirate Roberts
This will not end well. What’s he going to do? Consulting?I bet he ends up working for the government.Or big pharma… –“Ross Ulbricht, pardoned by “Dread Pirate Roberts”
Ed vs. Gov
This morning while I was enjoying my coffee it struck me that the key difference between these two sectors is essentially music. When I hold “Ed vs. Gov”
Ready? Go!
It’s hump day. We got this. Thirty-Five All men will come to him who keeps to the one,For there lie rest and happiness and peace. “Ready? Go!”
Happy New Year
Next year will be better. Let’s not mess this up. Eight The highest good is like water.Water gives life to the ten thousand things and “Happy New Year”
Q: How is a Redneck divorce just like a twister?A: One way or the other, someone is going to lose a trailer. May your weekend “Chillax”
Definition — Facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. My mind is “Knowledge”
Happy Friday
New stuff from Joan Armatrading – Amazing..Enjoy your life and have a great weekend. Seventy-Seven The Tao of heaven is like the bending of a “Happy Friday”
I recently asked a collegue if they had a dominant philosophy. They replied, “What do you mean?”I replied; “Do you have a personal belief system “Philosophy”
To make a bird sing.
Nobunaga, Hideyoshi and Tokugawa were watching a cuckoo bird waiting for it to sing, but the bird wouldn’t sing. Nobunaga says “Little bird, if you “To make a bird sing.”