A rolling stone gathers no moss. Two Under heaven all can see beauty as beauty only because there is ugliness.All can know good as good “Ramble”
Author: Superadmin
Chill Out…
Fifty-Four What is firmly established cannot be uprooted.What is firmly grasped cannot slip away.It will be honored from generation to generation. Cultivate Virtue in yourself,And “Chill Out…”
Someday far in the future the people of the world will look back at this time and wonder what the heck we were thinking. Twenty-Two “Dedication”
I feel a disturbance in the Force today. The dark side is seeking but not finding, and not understanding why. That’s never good. It’s akin “Doom”
Time is an interesting thing. I almost missed my meeting today because I was looking at the wrong clock.I think NTP is running slow, and “Time”
Friday again.
Happy Friday! I was talking to someone the other day and they said that I was a slave, I was never going to get anywhere “Friday again.”
There is a lot of construction and utility work going on in KenTon. Please remember to go slow, steer wide and maintain good situational awareness “Construction”
Ain’t that a man? I like his attitude. Eighteen When the great Tao is forgotten,Kindness and morality arise.When wisdom and intelligence are born,The great pretense “Man”
Independence Day
AN ODE TO AMERICABy Cornel Nistorescu Why are Americans so united? They would not resemble one another even if you painted them all one color! “Independence Day”
The MCP is coming for me.
EOL Thirty-Seven Tao abides in non-action,Yet nothing is left undone.If kings and lords observed this,The ten thousand things would develop naturally.If they still desired to “The MCP is coming for me.”