Working on Saturday. Thank you Winnie the POO. Thirty-Two The Tao is forever undefined.Small though it is in the unformed state, it cannot be grasped.If “OT”
Category: Technology
I have been doing this for awhile… Does it show?
Byte Dancing
Good guys = 1. Bad guys = 0.go usa Nineteen Give up sainthood, renounce wisdom,And it will be a hundred times better for everyone. Give “Byte Dancing”
I hate email.I h a t e e m a i l . Sixty-One A great country is like low land.It is the meeting ground “Rudy”
Life is like a real battle. Fight for your life. Pick a side.Pick one. Twenty-Eight Know the strength of a man,But keep a woman’s care!Be “Dev”
Is that you loris? I admit you are sloooooow, but you know I see you. Pancho and Cisco gonna burn you down. Eighty A “Loris”
Its my thing just sayin’. I love lamp. I l o v e l a m p. Fourteen Look, it cannot be seen—it is beyond “LAMP”
A lot of people turn the other cheek when they are disrespected publicly in front of important people. I will confess that at times I “Disrespect”
I have not had any social media accounts since 2016. I am way too busy, and since I stare at a screen all day the “2016”
Social Media
I do not have any social media accounts. I am on and That is it.Because of my profession, it’s impossible for me to “Social Media”
Sometimes no answer is a big answer. That’s on me. It’s impossible to find good talent these days. Sometimes we go up against someone that “Seize”