Is amorphous. There is no deserve. Only death and taxes. And snacks. Nine Better stop short than fill to the brim.Oversharpen the blade, and the “Community”
Category: Technology
I have been doing this for awhile… Does it show?
javascript I spent three days deconstructing 19000 lines of a front end application just to display a dropdown value correctly in a single context. One “javascript”
Happy Mothers Day
Heres to my Mom, who fed and clothed me, and taught me to read. Thanks Mom.
Cool People
This post goes out to my Drupal friend Sidharth Soman, who is a very cool guy and helped me fix my Drupal module code early “Cool People”
Broken Robots
Are boring, tedious and non-functional. Best to retire them.
All have equal intrinsic worth, and that is never in doubt. This however is only a part of the equation. Above all, words are un-necessary “Cooperation”
Big Dog
Yessir! I’m here all week, at your disposable. Professionally. GO BILLS! Wooo! 101 yds! Wuf.
So you want to be a developer…
My Stepson recently told me that when he finishes his career in the US Army he is thinking about pursuing a career in Web Development. “So you want to be a developer…”
“Remember that the number of seconds in your day never changes. The amount of social media content competing for those seconds, however, doubles every year “Anti-Social”