I dove headfirst into Ubuntu 20.04 (Nicknamed Focal Fossa) without really knowing anything about it. I had been running 16.04 for three and a half “Focal Fossa”
Category: Technology
I have been doing this for awhile… Does it show?
SEO Isn’t Magic – So Stop Doing SEO Tricks
We want that magic bullet to get our sites to the top of the SERPs, the one “secret trick†to get the edge on our “SEO Isn’t Magic – So Stop Doing SEO Tricks”
I-Ching Class
I recently updated one of my modules for Drupal 7, and in the process I ended up putting way too much time and energy into “I-Ching Class”
In Memorium
Nothing relaxes me like…
a spin on the freeway after work. I was reflecting today on my commute about a comment that I had read while perusing some tech “Nothing relaxes me like…”
NYSDOL Prevailing Wage
As a web programmer and systems developer I had recently attended a brief class given by the New York State Department of Labor. I learned “NYSDOL Prevailing Wage”
Drupal 8 Straits
For the third time in 5 years we encounter yet another critical security hole in D8. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/02/millions-of-websites-threatened-by-highly-critical-code-execution-bug-in-drupal/ Drupal sys-admins should pay close attention to this “Drupal 8 Straits”
Simple Slim API
I have created a new module for Drupal 7, which harneses the power of Slim Framework to create an API for Drupal content types and “Simple Slim API”
NoSQL Explained
This is reprinted from an excellent article found here: http://basho.com/resources/nosql-databases/ What is NoSQL? NoSQL is an approach to databases that represents a shift away from “NoSQL Explained”
Happy New Year
As per my long standing tradition – I left the Christmas lights on all night last night to ward off the darkness in the new “Happy New Year”