Loyalty is looked at by many as an honorable trait. Honor is something everyone wants. Be careful who you give your loyalty to. Your loyalty “Loyalty and Honor”
Author: Superadmin
Recreational consumption of Cannabis Flower is newly legal in New York State this year.This helpful plant will help to heal our community in many ways.Please “4/20”
TGIF Buffalo friends. We’ve been working hard all week, so lets enjoy the spring weather, grab some wings and a beverage, and enjoy the things “Friday”
Middle East
My view of the current conflict is best portrayed in the following video. Same hubris, stupidity, and eyes-wide-open race to the pit of dispair.Film at “Middle East”
Some people wake up in the morning and visualize what they are going to build. Others wake up and try and figure out how they “[Philosophy]”
Take 5 minutes today to go outside in the sunshine and inhale the fragrant spring air. She is waking up again…Beautiful beyond compare. Forty-Seven Without “Stop”
Wearing out..
Getting old is not what I thought it would be. It just goes to show that you can never truly know a place until you “Wearing out..”
Time to get busy. Seedlings must be started. April (snow) showers bring May flowers. Seventy-Four If men are not afraid to die,It is of no “Spring”
Mental Floss
Your brain is an organ that thinks. The heart beats and circulates blood. The kidneys purify the blood and remove waste from the body. Toenails “Mental Floss”
Mr Zook
I wrote my first computer code in 1982 on an Apple mainframe using Apple Basic. It was a program which made an 8 bit graphical “Mr Zook”