We spend most of our waking lives working. A lot of people don’t like their jobs and a lot of people do. Bottom line is “Work”
Category: Technology
I have been doing this for awhile… Does it show?
Flex Friday
Thank goodness it’s Friday!Data at least is flowing smoothly, glowing and shimmering in calous cascades of limited alternating current based lightning, albiet on a very “Flex Friday”
Speak louder than words.Please do not touch my Drupal databases.Thank you. (Ray don’t play.) Forty-Nine The sage has no mind of his own.He is aware “Actions”
Some people wake up in the morning and visualize what they are going to build. Others wake up and try and figure out how they “[Philosophy]”
Mr Zook
I wrote my first computer code in 1982 on an Apple mainframe using Apple Basic. It was a program which made an 8 bit graphical “Mr Zook”
Face Block
Just another day.The www is a ghetto, filled with scumbags.90% of the people who use the interwebz are just people with no bad intentions.That 10% “Face Block”
Tick Tock
All the controversy for and against is confusing.What I really want to know is…“What do you do for money, honey?” “Any price tag is estimated “Tick Tock”
Fone Phreakers
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PhreakingYou rarely see that nowadays. Old school. Thirteen Accept disgrace willingly.Accept misfortune as the human condition. What do you mean by “Accept disgrace willingly”?Accept being “Fone Phreakers”
The mirror.
It’s not the mirrors fault if you don’t like what you see when you look at yourself.Sometimes the loudest voice does not speak at all. “The mirror.”
Back in the saddle.
Yes I am. Feels great. Thank you Great Eagle. Eleven Thirty spokes share the wheel’s hub;It is the center hole that makes it useful.Shape the “Back in the saddle.”