Happy late Mothers Day.
A Prayer In Spring
Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers to-day;And give us not to think so far awayAs the uncertain harvest; keep us hereAll simply in the “A Prayer In Spring”
Spring is here.
Tao Te Ching – #2Under heaven all can see beauty as beauty only because there is ugliness.All can know good as good only because there “Spring is here.”
Real Trouble
Recently, it was reported that an ancient demon spirit which was imprisoned in a rock around 1100AD, had escaped due to the rock cracking in “Real Trouble”
Can’t judge a book by its cover.
So sad today to hear about this. I’m mindful of the First Noble Truth of Buddhism, which hints that there is absolutely no difference between “Can’t judge a book by its cover.”
Predation by apex predators in any biome tends to keep other animal populations healthy by weeding out the sick, old or compromised members of said “Tigers”
Ms. Ethics
She means business.
God, please grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,The courage to change the things I can,and the wisdom to know the “Serenity”
https://dailyzen.me/sixty-six Why is the sea king of a hundred streams?Because it lies below them.Therefore it is the king of a hundred streams. If the sage “66”
The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.The name that can be named is not the eternal name.The nameless is the beginning “One”