Not all good ideas have equal merit. A hammer will open a locked door but a key will also do this.It’s always important to consider “Good Ideas”
Happy Black Friday
Get busy, y’all.We have holiday shopping to do. Thirty-Nine These things from ancient times arise from one:The sky is whole and clear.The earth is whole “Happy Black Friday”
Happy Friday
New stuff from Joan Armatrading – Amazing..Enjoy your life and have a great weekend. Seventy-Seven The Tao of heaven is like the bending of a “Happy Friday”
Good wolf, bad wolf
I like this small piece of wisdom very much and wanted to share it.Happy Monday! Original source:A young boy came to his Grandfather, filled with “Good wolf, bad wolf”
The Right Thing
Happy Veterans Day. Forty-Two The Tao begot one.One begot two.Two begot three.And three begot the ten thousand things. The ten thousand things carry yin and “The Right Thing”
Week End
Western New York is ablaze with color this Fall, and the weather is quite warm still for this time of year.Buffa-love again. Have a great “Week End”
I read today that after the recent US Presidential election some “Americans” want to leave the country.Oh well, that’s their decision, but I would respectfully “Poly-tricks”
I’ve never been particularly lucky. Loki and I are not really on good terms because he keeps leaving me in the lurch. I’m more of “Luck”
So, I bought a mountain bike. I have not had one since 2000 AD.I suddenly feel like myself again. Another cycle. Five Heaven and earth “Bicycle”
I recently asked a collegue if they had a dominant philosophy. They replied, “What do you mean?”I replied; “Do you have a personal belief system “Philosophy”