“The minute I heard my first love story,I started looking for you, not knowinghow blind that was.Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere,they’re in each other all “Love”
Sweet Melissa
Miss you. I’m sorry again. Fifty Between birth and death,Three in ten are followers of life,Three in ten are followers of death,And men just passing “Sweet Melissa”
In certain spiritual traditions or cultures, a spirit animal refers to a spirit which helps guide or protect a person on their life journey and “Wolves”
nounSly or cunning intelligence.“He used all his guile and intellegence to free himself from the danger he was in.” Five Heaven and earth are ruthless;They “Guile”
To make a bird sing.
Nobunaga, Hideyoshi and Tokugawa were watching a cuckoo bird waiting for it to sing, but the bird wouldn’t sing. Nobunaga says “Little bird, if you “To make a bird sing.”
People come in all flavors. I love people when I love them, but I have found that the best people are Buffalo people.I love getting “You”
Fifty-Two The beginning of the universeIs the mother of all things.Knowing the mother, one also knows the sons.Knowing the sons, yet remaining in touch with “Eyes”
Stop your messing around. Time to straighten right out. Twenty-Three To talk little is natural.High winds do not last all morning.Heavy rain does not last “Message”
Circle Jerks and Decendants tonight at Town Ballroom.It’s gonna be epical. Fifty-Eight When the country is ruled with a light handThe people are simple.When the “Circle”
My Cat
She loves me, but when I don’t do what she wants, she bites me. She can climb 20 feet up a tree in the wind “My Cat”